Personal Brand Assessment
One of the most critical components to upleveling your life is having control of your personal brand and narrative. You are constantly signaling to the world which opportunities you are a fit for, what values you hold and how people should engage with you. When you have a strong personal brand you get more for less; opportunities will be funneled to you, aligned people will be magnetized to you - it truly does the work for you, even if you’re not in the room.
Now let’s get intentional about your brand by filling out this personal brand assessment.
Bring out your journal and answer the following questions to assess your personal brand:
How would you describe your personal brand? Ask three friends, two co-workers, and one person you met in the last 6 months to describe you. Are these all consistent?
What compliment(s) do you receive the most?
If a friend or mentor were to pitch you for an opportunity tomorrow, what would it be? Are you satisfied with that?
Name 2 unique value propositions you have (i.e. skills, experience, expertise)
Describe the following:
Where do you work?
What do you do in your free time?
How would you describe your personal style?
How would you describe your online presence?
Who are your closest friends and mentors?
Pretend you’re a stranger looking on your social platforms (X, IG, TT, LinkedIn). How would they describe you?
These should all be somewhat consistent. If they aren’t, you may need to do a rebrand.
Signing off until the next one…
But before I go - I want you to remember something. You get the life you think you deserve. Not the life you want, the one you believe you deserve. Dream a little bigger this month.
Sienna Girl Jones